Kristin Carlson - more info>

Kristin started riding as soon as she was old enough to sit on a horse. She has several years experience starting green and unbroke horses working with trainer Don Stewart out of Ponca Nebraska. In 2013 she graduated from Morningside College with a Bachelors in Secondary English Education and began her career in teaching which as turned into her passion. In 2014 she combined her passion for horses and teaching and earned her PATH International certification and began work as a therapeutic riding instructor at S.T.A.R.S. Barn in Sioux City Iowa. Kristin’s career as a teacher and riding instructor brought her to Lincoln Nebraska in 2018, where she has enjoyed endurance trail riding on her Appaloosa, Shasta and her Arabian, Psychedelic. In the summer of 2019 she completed a 55 mile ride on the Cowboy Trail from Long Pine to Valentine. Kristin enjoys helping her clients, both human and horse, achieve calm, balance, confidence and control.