Our matted stalls measure 12’x10′ and have attached south facing outdoor paddocks for year round access to sun and fresh air. All stalls are well lit and have overhead fans to aid in ventilation on warmer days and heated, automatic waterers that supply fresh water as needed. A regularly maintained and regulated fly spray system throughout the entire barn is used during warm weather to keep biting pests at a minimum.
Stalls are furnished with biodegradable, pelleted bedding that is very absorbent, easy to pick, and not toxic to our horses or our environment. Our caring and knowledgeable staff clean stalls Mondays through Saturdays every week, keeping an eye on the health and well-being of your horse.

Limited pasture boarding available with 4 run-ins with automatic heated waters. Hay fed twice a day year round.
We grow, fertilize, cut and bale our own grass hay that is fed at least two times a day. Our goal is for each horse to have hay available at all times. Purina Strategy grain is fed at twice-a-day feedings. Alternate grains or supplements for special needs are fed at no extra charge. All feed, supplements, and medication are stored in an enclosed, secured feed room.